Troughsgiving/November Cookbook Club

For November Cookbook Club we did our third annual Troughsgiving. This time we held it at my parents' house in Hull rather than in our Cambridge apartment, on a Saturday, and a few of us stayed the night on Friday, which helped with space and cooking time. It was epic, and instead of going around the table and saying what we were grateful for about our lives, we said what foods on the table we were grateful for. I think everything got named.

Dinesh made the turkey/gravy! Again! [And he actually ended up cooking the turkey with my family on Thanksgiving Day as well.]

Kelly made roasted vegetables (that took 500 years to roast. What is it about Kelly's dishes that they always take way longer than anticipated?) and pumpkin bread.

Jared made "Stuffing with Apples and Gouda" that was more like a deconstructed grilled cheese in a delicious way. He also made cranberry salsa.

Hanna made banana cream pie and cherry Jello (that's for some reason part of the meal instead of dessert).

Travis made pumpkin bread, salad, and Chrissy Teigen's cauliflower mash.

Mary made so many mashed potatoes.

I made pumpkin/sweet potato/coconut pie and my mom's insanely delicious and buttery sweet potato casserole that basically has cookies on top.

Brent brought rolls. He bought them from the store instead of making them. It is important to note this.

Kristin showed up 2 hours late with broccoli/hazelnuts that was probably delicious but it was hard to know because we were so full. Though the broccoli in my leftovers was memorable and great.

I had found a bunch of Thanksgiving cookbooks but none of them were good enough to use, so we had/found our own recipes and it was the best. Long live Troughsgiving*!!!

*Troughsgiving is like Friendsgiving** but with a trough***
**Which is like Thanksgiving but with your friends
***The trough is a very special thing which might require an additional blog post. Let me know if you have questions.
