First Cookbook Club

My new roommate Kelly introduced an exciting idea in our lives this fall: Cookbook Club. Once a month, we choose a cookbook and invite our best chef friends to bring a dish from the book to a big dinner party.

I have had Cravings by Chrissy Teigen basically since it came out and I had only made one recipe from it, so we decided on that book for our first month.

Turns out I don't have a lot of chef friends, so I wasn't sure how the dishes would turn out, but they were all DELICIOUS.

Hanna made spicy chorizo and jalapeƱo queso.

Kelly made "I Can't Believe It's Not Gardetto's" and thyme-roasted carrots.

Travis made garlic ricotta cauliflower mash.

Dinesh made secretly spicy deviled eggs and sweet and salty coconut rice.

Jared made mac and cheese (Chrissy's mac and cheese, not John Legend's, which is important).

Mary made broccoli and sour cream potato cakes.

And I'm going to share the basics of my two favorite dishes so I can make them again and again.

KP made this salad that I assumed would be kind of whatever but NO. It was NOT whatever. It was everything and I need to make it again and again. Roasted cauliflower + orzo pasta + spinach + dried cherries + feta cheese + red onion + a dressing made of olive oil, lemon juice, honey, mustard, garlic and salt/pepper. I need to up my salad dressing game. I'm getting sick of white/brown balsamic vinegar on repeat.

Honestly my favorite thing of the whole night was what I made (and I knew it would be as soon as I saw the recipe). Brussels sprouts are life. So I roasted them with whole cloves of garlic (I was nervous but it was great), then mixed them up with crumbled crispy bacon, cranberries, and blue cheese, then drizzled this honey and balsamic reduction over the whole thing. I loved it. The flavors were SO good together. I left the blue cheese out because I know some people don't like it but the flavor wasn't too strong at all mixed with all the other things and it really added a lot to the whole dish. So seriously, just add in the blue cheese. Or if you're REALLY opposed try goat cheese or feta.

We ate so well that night, and leftovers the next day too. It was a dream.

Now I want to do cookbook club like every week and I already checked 15 cookbooks out of the library because I'm insane but I want to use them all!!!!!! Maybe I should start purchasing them. That would be a dream collection.

Next one is October 18 and we're doing Gwyneth Paltrow's It's All Easy by VERY popular demand. Can't wait to share all the delicious things we eat.
