Books 36-39

I'm not going to finish the 50 books on my list by the end of summer. Not gonna happen. But I will finish them! Eventually. It's taking awhile and that's okay because reading is about enjoying it and I have really enjoyed this task and all the books I've read and it's going to continue.

36. We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves, Karen Joy Fowler. I never heard of this book until it was recommended to me and I never ever would have read it but I'm glad I did! There is a huge, huge surprise pretty early on that I would have known if I had read the back more carefully but I didn't so I was shocked and I liked that. Interesting observations on family. Pretty heartbreaking.

37. Poisonwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver. I have meant to read this book for years so finally I did. I listened to it, which wasn't ideal, but by the end of the summer I just didn't have much reading time but I had plenty of audiobook time (driving, running, etc.) so I went with it. I listened to the majority of this book while I was running the New England Trail Ragnar (15 miles of running up and then down a mountain, broken into three separate legs). Every time the girls in the book complained about the challenges of living in the Congo in the 60's I was like yep. It's hot. I don't have enough water. There are bugs. There are animals. I get it. Obviously I was being dramatic but it was funny to listen and for once not be like "whoa I have it so good" but rather "whoa I feel so sorry for myself right now." I liked it and I hope to read it someday.

38. It Was Me All Along, Andie Mitchell. This book was not on my original list but I ran out of audiobooks temporarily and I needed to listen to something, and I'm so glad I did. My dad recommended this to me and it was so, so relatable. It's a memoir about a girl who grew up always overweight and her struggle to deal with her weight and fitness and food addiction. I was with her the whole time until she got super skinny. Still waiting for that part of my story.

39. Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell. Nonfiction books kill me. We all know that. Once again, this book had a lot of interesting information that was drawn out way too much. I don't need 25 examples of pro hockey players born in January, just one will do. Luckily I listened to it, which made it easier to power through the parts I'd have a hard time forcing myself to read. But, really good points and I'm still thinking about the ideas. Although I now believe it that success comes from all the right circumstances, which most people will never have, I can console myself with the fact that we don't need to be SUPER rich/successful to be happy in life. We can also be moderately successful and that's good enough.

I'm currently listening to Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin and reading The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay which is a million pages long and that's why I haven't finished an actual book since August. However, I am enjoying it and I'm going to keep enjoying it and I'll read everything else eventually.
