My life is an open book and I like to read it out loud to everyone.

I have a lot to say. And everything is better with photos, so I have a lot of those too. They are all Instagrammed picframes, so if you follow me on Instagram, you probably don't even need to read this post. Unless you have been dying for more info.

Four weeks ago, I started the BYU Lazyman Ironman. The idea is to do the distances of an Ironman but over the course of 4 weeks. That means 2.4 miles swimming (79 laps in the BYU pool), 112 miles biking, and 26.2 miles running. I finished Friday night around 8:45 pm, and luckily Courtney found me in the women's gym so she could take this triumphant picture when I got off the treadmill. (Only about 3 of the miles were run on the treadmill, BTW, because I hate that thing. It makes one mile feel like an eternity. Nothing like some fresh air and a good audiobook to keep me going). It was a challenge, but I'm so glad I did it. I'm not sure if I could have gotten through it if I hadn't started listening to the Hunger Games, because that motivated so many more miles on the bike and on my runs than I would have had the energy to do without something so captivating. So, props to Suzanne Collins, and to whoever had the idea of motivating BYU students to do an Ironman.

Friday night Jessie and I threw a surprise party for Mark, whose birthday was on Saturday. He was completely surprised and really happy (can't you tell from that giant smile on his face in every picture?), so it was definitely a success. On the bottom right, you can see the piñata that Jessie and I made out of papier-mache with Mark's face on it. There were a lot of people there and it was a blast.

Saturday was Mark's real birthday and he wanted to go hiking, so we went to Orem and started up the mountain. It was a nice trail and a beautiful day, and these pictures represent the great time we had. Mark had never been over to the other side of the peak, so we started exploring. The bottom right shows the scooting that took place when it got a little steep, and the bottom middle is the pure bliss of running down the meadowy mountainside. Unfortunately, after that it got a little more complicated. Mark assured us there was a path down the other side of the mountain, and there actually was, but we didn't find it. Instead, we forged our own path.

On the left is what the mountainside looked like—a steep, gravely, avalanche-inducing slope. On the right is what my arm looked like after I took the shortcut and tumbled down head over heels almost all the way down to the path. There are more scrapes not pictured, but the blessing of all this is that I survived.

The rest of the weekend was more low-key. We celebrated the end of Mark's birthday with empanadas and Just Dance (our all-time favorite) last night. Today I had one Easter feast with Jessie (salmon tacos) and one Easter feast at my aunt Kriste's house (everything delicious and Easter-y that you can imagine, plus a ton of candy). It was a great weekend! And guys—I graduate in less than two weeks! Let the last round of finals begin!


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